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Author: Irfan 'Abid' Before I started writing this article, I thought several times if I had the knowledge and expertise to dwell on a subject as vast and complex as 'shaayari'. After all, I have taken only the first step towards learning this great art. But then I thought that my experience might help those who are yet to take that first step. So here I am, with my explanation of 'bah'r', the most important technical aspect of shaayari. The purpose of this article is to give the readers a general idea of what bah'r means and how it is used to construct a misra (line) of Urdu shaayari. I am sharing with you some of my limited knowledge of shaayari that my Ustaad 'Mazaq' Charkhariwi has graciously given to me. He belongs to Ustaad Daag Dehlvi's school of shaayari. Everything written here conforms to that school and its teachings. There are areas where schools differ in opinion but that happens only in the case of very fine details. The scope covered here is very basic and should not pose any such issue. However, I wanted to post the disclaimer, just in case. 'Bah'r or 'Meter' is the structure over which the words of a misra (line) of a sher (verse) are arranged. Bah'r itself is made of 'arkaan' (plural of 'rukn' which means 'pillar' or 'important part'). Arkaan are also referred to as 'feet'. Whosoever coined this term was perhaps trying to relate it to the bigger unit 'meter', without realizing that 'meter' and 'foot' are units of length in two different systems of measurement. However, the 'meter' and 'feet' combination may be justified by the fact that one meter is roughly equal to three and a quarter feet and most of the bah'rs do have three or four arkaan in one misra. Arkaan are meaningless dummy words, the basic purpose of which is to specify the places of long and short syllables in an actual word. The eight arkaan, broken down into syllables, used in Urdu shaayari are as follows: 'fa-uu-lun', 'faa-i-lun', 'ma-faa-ii-lun', 'mus-taf-i-lun', 'faa-i-laa-tun', 'mu-ta-faa-i-lun', 'ma-faa-i-la-tun' and 'maf-uu-laat' Perhaps this is a good place to add a note on transliteration, that is the process of writing Urdu words in Roman script, so that they are pronounced correctly. We will treat 'a' as in 'akbar', 'i' as in 'ishq', 'u' as in 'uljhan', 'e' as in 'ek' ('ai' and 'ei' should be treated as 'e'), 'o' as in 'bahaaro', 'aa' as in 'aaraam', 'ii' as in 'merii' and 'uu' as in 'juutaa'. Other Roman letters used are self explanatory and are not as important as these vowels.
'1-2-2', '2-1-2', '1-2-2-2', '2-2-1-2', '2-1-2-2', '1-1-2-1-2', '1-2-1-1-2' and '2-2-3' The arkaan mentioned above are in their 'saalim' (pure) form. With slight modification, each can be turned into one of its 'muzaahif' (modified) forms (These forms may be seen in the bah'rs given at the end of this article). Accordingly, a bah'r may be a 'saalim' or a 'muzaahif' one. Bah'rs are also classified according to the mix of their arkaan. If a bah'r is made by the repetition of the same rukn, it is a 'mufarrid' (made of a single ingredient) bah'r. If it uses a combination of more than one rukn, it is a 'murakkab' (composite) bah'r. Bah'rs given at the end of this article have examples of both. The arkaan and bah'rs were developed by the masters of literature and music. That is why shaayari written in proper bah'r is fluent to recite and easy to compose into a tune. However, not all the bah'rs have the same ease of flow and spontaneity of rhythm. As a result, few became more popular than others. In this article, we will cover only the most popular ones. Most of the Urdu shaayari has been written using these bah'rs. Please note that in addition to the traditional bah'rs that I was taught, I have seen shaayars (poets) using other bah'rs that they have devised themselves. In my opinion, one can write poetry in any format as long as it follows some 'rule' and is enjoyable when recited. However, in the beginning, it is advisable to stick to the traditional bah'rs. After you decide which bah'r to use, the next thing is to arrange your words on that bah'r. This is the real art in shaayari. If possible, the words should start and end where the arkaans do, but this is not necessary. A word can be spread over two adjacent arkaan. Moreover, a syllable in a word that is normally considered a long syllable, can be treated as a short one, if it does not fit into the arkaan and the bah'r. In other words, the 'weight' of the syllables can be reduced or the pronunciation of the syllables can be hastened to fit the bah'r. Where and how one can do it is a complex issue in Urdu shaayari. There are elaborate rules for doing so which are beyond the scope of this article. For now, all I can suggest is to look at the shaayari by the ustaads and see how they have used a particular word in a particular situation. A glimpse of this feature may be seen in the ashaar given with the bah'rs in this article. You may notice that certain words have been placed against a relatively small portion (or syllable) of a rukn. These are the words whose pronunciation is altered to fit the bah'r. The bah'rs being discussed here are used for the most popular forms of Urdu shaayari (like ghazal, nazm, qit'aa and geet/naghma etc.), but not for all forms. Rubaayii, for instance, has its own set of bah'rs. Following are some very frequently used bah'rs. You may find the names difficult to remember. But what's in a name! Pay attention to the structure because that is what matters. Each bah'r is accompanied by a sher on it, broken down according to the structure of the bah'r. If a word happens to be spread across more than one part of a rukn or across more than one rukn, its pieces are joined by a hyphen (-). I have used my own ashaar to illustrate the bah'rs, but I am also giving a classic sher for each bah'r. You may have heard the classic many times, may have memorized it and thus may find it easier to capture the structure of the bah'r. Try to break these classic ash'aar down according to the bah'r. Bah'r Hazaj Saalimbharii duniyaa sahii lekin Thikaanaa ham bhii paa leNge jahaaN do gaz zamiiN hogii wahiiN ham ghar banaa leNge Ma - faa - ii - lun Ma - faa - ii - lun Ma - faa - ii - lun Ma - faa - ii - lun bha - rii duni - yaa sa - hii le - kin Thi- kaa - naa ham bhii paa leN - ge ja - haaN do gaz za - miiN ho - gii wa - hiiN ham ghar ba-naa leN - geClassic Sher by Allama 'Iqbal': mitaa de apnii hastii ko agar kuchh martabaa chaahe ki daanaa Khaak meiN mil kar gul-e-gulzaar hotaa hai Bah'r Hazaj Musamman Akhrab KhwaaboN meiN banaaii thii aaNkhoN meiN sajaa lii hai tasviir tirii ham ne is dil meiN basaa lii hai Maf - uu - lu Ma - faa - ii - lun Maf - uu - lu Ma - faa - ii - lun Khwaa - boN meiN ba - naa - ii thii aaN - khoN meiN sa - jaa lii hai tas - vii - r ti - rii ham ne is dil meiN ba - saa lii haiClassic by 'Jigar' Moradabadi: kyaa husn ne samjhaa hai kya ishq ne jaanaa hai ham khaak-nashiinoN kii thokar meiN zamaanaa hai Bah'r Hazaj Musamman Akhrab Makfuuf Mahzuuf tuufaan meiN tinke kaa sahaaraa bhii bahut hai zulmat meiN to bas ek sharaaraa bhii bahut hai Maf - uu - lu Ma - faa - ii - lu Ma - faa - ii - lu Fa - uu - lun tuu - faa - n meiN tin - ke kaa sa - haa - raa bhii ba - hut hai zul - mat meiN to bas e - k sha - raa - raa bhii ba - hut haiClassic by Mirza Ghalib: baaziicha-e-atfaal hai duniyaa mire aage hota hai shab-o-roz tamaashaa mire aage Bah'r Hazaj Musaddas Mahzuuf tamannaaoN se aye dil kyaa milegaa jo qismat meiN likhaa hogaa milegaa Ma - faa - ii - lun Ma - faa - ii - lun Fa - uu - lun ta - man - naa - oN se aye dil kyaa mi - le - gaa jo qis - mat meiN li - khaa ho - gaa mi - le - gaaClassic by 'Firaq' Gorakhpuri: sitaaroN se ulajhtaa jaa rahaa huuN shab-e-furqat bahut ghabraa rahaa huuN Bah'r Ramal Musamman Mahzuuf dil kii bechainii ne apnaa kaam aakhir kar diyaa tujh se mere raabte ko aam aakhir kar diyaa Faa - i - laa - tun Faa - i - laa - tun Faa - i - laa - tun Faa - i - lun* dil kii be - chai - nii ne ap - naa kaa - m aa - khir kar di - yaa tujh se me - re raa - b - te ko aa - m aa - khir kar di - yaa * Faa - i - laan is acceptable here.Classic by 'Hasrat' Mohani: sab ghalat kahte hain lutf-e-yaar ko wajh-e-sukuuN dard-e-dil usne tau 'Hasrat' aur duunaa kar diyaa Bah'r Ramal Musaddas Mahzuuf ishq kaa haasil hai kyaa mat puuchhiye kyaa milaa kyaa kho gayaa mat puuchhiye Faa - i - laa - tun Faa - i - laa - tun Faa - i - lun* ish - q kaa haa- sil hai kyaa mat puu - chhi - ye kyaa mi - laa kyaa kho ga - yaa mat puu - chhi - ye * Faa - i - laan is acceptable here.Classic by Meer Taqi 'Meer': ibtidaa-e-ishq hai rotaa hai kyaa aage aage dekhiye hotaa hai kyaa Bah'r Mutaqaarib Saalim muhabbat burii hai na nafrat burii hai burii hai tau har shai kii kasrat burii hai Fa - uu - lun Fa - uu - lun Fa - uu - lun Fa - uu - lun mu - hab - bat bu - rii hai na naf - rat bu - rii hai bu - rii hai tau har shai kii kas - rat bu - rii haiClassic by 'Bekhud' Dehlvi: na dekhaa thaa jo bazm-e-dushman meiN dekhaa muhabbat tamaashe dikhaatii hai kya kya Bah'r Mutaqaarib Musamman Maqbuuz Aslam (16 Ruknii) ho shaam-e-gham jis qadar bhii lambii dhalegii yeh bhii zaruur yaaro kabhii to utregaa mere ghar meiN Khushii kii kirnoN kaa nuur yaaro Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun ho shaa - m-e- gham jis qa - dar bhi lam - bii Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun dha - le - gii yeh bhii za - ruu - r yaa - ro Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun ka - bhii to ut - re- gaa me - re ghar meiN Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun Fa - uu - lu Faa - lun Khu - shii kii kir - noN kaa nuu - r yaa - roClassic by 'Daag' Dehlvi: sitam hii karnaa jafaa hii karnaa nigaah-e-ulfat kabhii na karnaa tumheN qasam hai hamaare sar kii hamaare haq meN kamii na karnaa Bah'r Kaamil Saalim ki gaNwaa diye maine hosh bhii mujhe chain aa na sakaa kabhii terii yaad yuuN hii jawaaN rahii tujhe dil bhulaa na sakaa kabhii Mu - ta - faa - i - lun Mu - ta - faa - i - lun ki gaN - waa di - ye mai - ne ho - sh bhii Mu - ta - faa - i - lun Mu - ta - faa - i - lun mu - jhe chai - n aa na sa - kaa ka - bhii Mu - ta - faa - i - lun Mu - ta - faa - i - lun te - rii yaa - d yuN hii ja - waaN ra - hii Mu - ta - faa - i - lun Mu - ta - faa - i - lun tu - jhe dil bhu - laa na sa - kaa ka - bhiiClassic by Hakeem 'Momin': wo jo ham meN tum meN qaraar thaa tumheN yaad ho ke na yaad ho wahii yaanii waadaa nibaah kaa tumheN yaad ho ke na yaad ho Bah'r Mutadaarik Saalim gul chiraaghoN ko kar ham sare shaam deN kyon bhalaa aatish-e-dil ko aaraam deN Faa - i - lun Faa - i - lun Faa - i - lun Faa - i - lun gul chi - raa - ghoN ko kar ham sa - re shaa - m deN kyoN bha - laa aa - ti - sh-e -dil ko aa - raa - m deNClassic by Nida Fazli: har taraf har jagah be-shumaar aadmii phir bhii tanhaaiyoN kaa shikaar aadmii Bah'r Mazaar'a Musamman Akhrab maiN beqaraar kyoN huuN dil beqaraar kyoN hai us bewafaa se ab tak aakhir yeh pyaar kyoN hai Maf - uu - lu Faa - i - laa - tun Maf - uu - lu Faa - i - laa - tun maiN be - qa - raa - r kyoN huuN dil be - qa - raa - r kyoN hai us be - wa - faa se ab tak aa - khir yeh pyaa - r kyoN haiClassic by Allama 'Iqbal': saare jahaaN se achchhaa HindostaaN hamaaraa ham bulbuleN haiN iskii yeh gulsitaaN hamaaraa Bah'r Mazaar'a Musamman Akhrab Makfuuf Maqsuur kaise kahuuN maiN apnii kahaanii ko baar baar kyoN kar piyuuNgaa aaNkh ke paanii ko baar baar Maf - uu - lu Faa - i - laa - tu* ma - faa - ii - lu** Faa - i - laan*** kai - se ka - huuN maiN ap - nii ka - haa - nii ko baa - r baar kyoN kar pi - yuuN - gaa aa - Nkh ke paa - nii ko baa - r baar * Faa-i-laa-tun is acceptable here. ** Maf-uu-lu is acceptable here. *** Faa-i-lun is acceptable here.Classic by Daag Dehlvi (with Faa-i-lun as the last rukn): Khaatir se yaa lihaaz se main maan tau gayaa jhuuti qasam se aap ka iimaan tau gayaa Bah'r Mujtas Musamman Makhbuun Maqsuur wafaa ke qaul se ham tau mukar nahiiN sakte ki dushmanii meiN bhii had se guzar nahiiN sakte Ma - faa - i - lun Fa - i - laa - tun Ma - faa - i - lun Fa - i - lun wa - faa ke qau - l se ham tau mu - kar na - hiiN sa - k - te ki dush - ma - nii meiN bhii had se gu - zar na - hiiN sa - k - teClassic by Faiz Ahmed 'Faiz': guloN meiN rang bhare baad-e-nau-bahaar chale chale bhii aao ki gulshan ka kaar-o-baar chale If this article helps you in any way, it will be my pleasure. If you are really serious about shaayari, find a ustaad near you and be his shaagird (student). There is no substitute for the guidance and teaching of a ustaad. Please let me know if you have anything to add to or correct in this article. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. This article is not to be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the author. To contact the author, please use the contact form. |
Maintained by Nita Awatramani URL: http://www.urdupoetry.com Last updated on: 19th July, 2001 |